What makes a truly great kiss?
now i'm not going all girly or anything but kissing is still great!
if my wife is, for example, preparing a meal i might be able to kiss her on the side of the neck while she's peeling the potato's.
i know what you're thinking, 'that nic's a smooth ol' romatic operator'!.
What makes a truly great kiss?
according to the wt, just about everything in the hebrew scrips.
has a "type" and an "architype".
it all applies somehow to the "last days".
Yes, IMHO, they are very relative, to the last days, which I think we are in. And i do believe in the typical and anti typical fulfillments..
i have been left for about 18 months now and am trying to get 'unindoctrinated' or 'unbrainwashed' or whatever is the correct term is.
but there still exists in me a considerable fear of 'armaggeddon'.
whether the jw teaching of 'armaggeddon' is true or not i am not sure, but such was their very powerful strong mental indoctrination of this event it has left me with what i think will be a permenant fear for the rest of my days.
Hi Ifcviking:
I have also been out around the same amount of time. And I think, that you should study up on the Great Tribulation.. and really see what the criterias are for surviving it..
JW's idea of survival.. Being a JW in good standing...
The bible's idea of survival... Not getting the mark of beast, sighing and groaning over the destable things going on, doing good to Christ's brothers, beating our swords into plowshares, and being honest hearted.
If you would like to PMessage me..we can talk about it.. You still are in need of a bit more deprograming.. I have been a witness for 26 years.. so I may be able to help somewhat.
not the kind of death, but actually dying?
not trying to be morbid, but for now, it is a part of life.. abr.
Black Swan and Crumpet..Thanks for the hugs..
Crumpet, you said:
I'm curious as to what you mean about the new world - I assume you don't mean as in a paradisaical sense and not the likely new world which will probably cause catastrophe if global warming continues unchecked?
Guess, I mean the new world, with the good government, without corruption..and fairness and love for everyone. The world without sorrow or pain, and a brotherhood of man, enough food for all, and shelter.. and sickness eradicated..and maybe even death.
"You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one"
not the kind of death, but actually dying?
not trying to be morbid, but for now, it is a part of life.. abr.
Hi gang,
Since I've been diagnosed with a various serious form of cancer, last spring, I've been faced with my mortality. Found out, I definately want to live. I'm 53 and am very excited about the future, as I believe we are on the threshhold of the new world. Yes, I'm afraid to die, as it's so unknown..
how far in your life would you turn back time and why?
what would you hope to change?.
I wouldn't, as every minute backward is one minute farther from the New Heavens and New Earth.
what are your beliefs based on and how has this been affected by your time as a witness?
I think I do now...at least for some people.. I really don't know about all..
i know that sometime, somewhere the gb has claimed to be "jehovah's channel of truth" and given divine knowledge/revelation directly from angels.
could someone please provide me with some quotes?.
i'm speaking with a jw right now who says they don't care if the gb has made changes/mistakes in doctrine in the past because it's "old light".
Thing is this: Russell came up with the base for the WT teachings... and alot of it was great, especially when you consider how the Catholic had been teaching. But, I would say, to throw the burden of proof on your friend and ask this?
Since Charles Russell died, what new teaching or 'light' have the governing body taught that has been good and would be considered new light.... ?
The answer is none, that a person could say came from the holy spirit as being enlightened teaching..
Since I dropped out a year and a few months ago.. I have actually been able to discern new things.. with the help of the holy spirit..Something the WT hasn't done in 90 years.
so i am going through the bible from a christian perspective this time and then going back to the reasoning book to figure out how on earth the jws ever came up with the stuff they did.
it is not like i am a n00bi3 - i was raised jw, pioneered, went to pio school, studied diligently for years, zealous, etc.. .
where do they come up with the two classes - one going to heaven and one not?
Hello there..
This is interesting..
Unbaptized: You said:
I I don't recall Jesus ever saying that the physical Israel was being restored on earth. I know of spiritual Israel being established in Heaven, but I don't see were earthly Israel will be restored.
Something is going to happen for the natural Jews after the gentile times have ended and Jesus returns.. Note this scripture please:
Romans 11:25 NWT For I do not want you, brothers, .....that a dulling of sensibilities has happened in part to Isreal until the full number of people of the nations has come in, and in this manner all Isreal will be saved. Just as it is written: "The deliverer will come out of Zion and turn away ungodly practices from Jacob. And this is the covenant on my part with them when I take their sins away."
So, apparently, from this, God will have mercy once again on the natural Jews after Jesus returns out of Zion, on the second coming.. Not positive how...but I don't think it will be by giving the orthodox Jews their homeland, Isreal.. I think it will rather be a calling of the Jews who are scattered among the nations.. Jews could be alot of people that don't even know they are Jews anymore..as much genelogy has be lost.
2 groups:
I think there is alot of evidense that there are 2 groups...ones who rule and judge and ones who do not.. I think heaven is a oneness to God and Christ while here on earth. And I think earth is just a physical way of looking at things. I think both groups will be right here on earth.
i thought i should write a big thanks to simon for this board, not only has it been a big eye-opener to me regarding my past and helped me realise how many people have been through the same stuff as i have, but it's through this board that i've met a wonderful woman, michelle (calico ethel).. michelle is beautiful, intelligent, funny and luckily for me has terrible eyesight, i feel very fortunate to have met her and hopefully (presuming i can keep on hiding her glasses!
) we shall be very happy together in the future.
she has rather recklessly and bravely agreed to move in with me and is moving over at the beginning of february.
Congrads and all the happiness...
Kinda makes me think how JW's have no discussion board or dances or any place they can go for companionship. I know so many JW women who are so lonely..
Ahh, good to be out. Love, Star